Municipality Šempeter-Vrtojba
Trg Ivana Roba 3a

5290 Šempeter pri Gorici

+386 (0)5 335 10 00
F: +386 (0)5 335 10 07

Official Hours:

Monday and Friday:
8.00 a.m.-12.00 a.m.
8.00 a.m.-12.00 a.m. and
2.00 p.m.-4.30 p.m.

VAT no.:
SI 44857390
Registration number:

Symbols of the Municipality Šempeter-Vrtojba


The Coat-of-Arms

Grb občina šempeter-Vrtojba


The coat-of-arms is in the shape of a shield. It is made up of two main elements:
  • A yellow flower (a yellow radiating sunburst) on a blue background.
  • A green lower part, in the shape of two leaves- representing two fields, two settlements...
There is also a white dividing line, which separates the leaves and the blueness, symbolising the road and the importance of the position of the municipality with the Italian border.



The Flag


The flag is rectangular and is divided into two equal halves. The upper half is blue with a yellow radiating sunburst in the centre. The lower half is green.

Geographical Information*


Surface area: 15 km
Inhabitants (2010): 6,350
Settlements: 2
Houses: 1,702
Roads: 41
Highest point: Hrib Sv. Marka (St. Mark's Hill) 227 m.a.s.l.

*Source: Geodetic Institute of Slovenia


Partner and twin towns or municipalities


Municipality Šempeter-Vrtojba is following main European guidelines – peace and mutual respect, democracy and mutual cooperation as well as future of Europe through multicultural dialog.


Through its twin, friendship and partner towns Municipality Šempeter-Vrtojba is realizing the established guidelines of international cooperation of local communities and their inhabitants. Partner and twin towns or municipalities are:

  • Medea (Italy)
  • Romans d'Isonzo (Italy)
  • Keutschach am See (Austria)
Identification card


(Municipality Šempeter-Vrtojba)
Trg Ivana Roba 3 a

5290 Šempeter pri Gorici
GPS: E13.64080, N45.93093

+386 (0)5 335 10 00

F: +386 (0)5 335 10 07

E: info @


VAT no.: SI 44857390

Registration number: 1358227

Bank A/C: 0138 3010 0014 409
                 0138 3600 0000 221

Senior Official:
Milan Turk M.SEE, mayor  

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